
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Are Jaden and Willow Smith Suffering From Scientology-mania?

I'm a big fan of  Will Smith's and I like his wife Jada too. I try very hard to keep my focus on their professional lives, because when it comes to the personal, things get pretty strange. They have been suspected of being members of the Church of Scientology for some time now, mostly because of Will's close friendship with Tom Cruise (love him) and the school they opened, New Village Academy (now shuttered), that reportedly had a scientology-based cirriculum. I have done enough research on Scientology, it's founder Lafayette Ronald Hubbard, David Miscavige, E-meters and thetans to know that being a member means surrendering your mind to a cult, and paying them big bucks to take control.

Be that as it may, this is America, and if that's what one chooses to do, so be it.  However, it's
disconcerting when otherwise smart people (yes, Scientologists can be smart), expose their children to this madness.  In the case of  Will and Jada, I have a strong hunch that their parenting philosophy includes the idea that children are simply little adults and can do as they please. And it seems their "little adults" are also practicing Scientologists.

We've seen pics of daughter Willow lying in bed (fully clothed) with an adult male friend, and son Jaden dressed as a mummified Batman at Kim and Kanyes wedding (okay, maybe the latter isn't adult-like), but it's the very strange things they say that has me believing they may suffering from Scientology-mania.  To wit:

The entire New York Times' T Magazine interview is here.

Sure, they could be doing a lot worse, like drugs, self-mutilation or other crazy things that troubled kids do.  But, I suspect we're talking about a lot more than a rebellious stage, we're talking about indoctrination into the very bizarre world of Scientology.

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