The economic conditions in Venezuela have forced people to take extreme measures in order to survive, which has, in turn, led to a significant escalation in crime. The murder rate is at an epidemic level, surpassing 2014 and 2015 rates which already had the country ranked as number two in the world for murders. Despite the 2012 ban on private gun ownership in the country and the current state of emergency, there is no semblance of security and none expected anytime soon.
But not everyone in the country is suffering. The elites are dining on gourmet meals and sipping champagne. Nothing has changed for them because they are not dependent on the government. They are indeed socialists, but they are not of the masses. Centrally planned economies like Venezuela's lead to economic collapse because the economies are fully controlled by a handful of elites and private ownership is heavily penalized. It should be noted that the wealthiest person in Venezuela is former dictator Hugo Chavez's daughter, Maria Gabriela Chavez. Clearly, wealth is only good for a select few, and not for the masses.
I really wonder what the elites in our own country have to say now. I'm speaking specifically of those that traveled to Venezuela when Chavez was in power and championed the benefits of socialism, and how wonderful this dictator was. Where's Sean Penn, Danny Glover, Oliver Stone, Kevin Spacey, Cornell West and the rest of the socialist-loving crowd? Oh, excuse me...make that democratic bad.
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