
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

"Adorable" 6-year-old Girl Is Actually A Not-So-Adorable 52-year-old Dad

I'm posting this story because I think transageism raises a very, very important question?  When this 52-year-old little girl's mommy and daddy take her out for ice cream, and she has to go to the washroom, which one do you think she should use?

Meet the 52 Year-Old Father Who Identifies As a 6 Year-Old Girl
eye bleachIn an interview with gay news site The Daily Xtra, a 52 year-old Canadian father of seven explains how he now identifies as a 6 year-old girl.
“I can’t deny I was married. I can’t deny I have children,” Stefonknee Wolscht says. “But I’ve moved forward now and I’ve gone back to being a child. I don’t want to be an adult right now.”
“I have a mummy and a daddy– adopted mummy and daddy who are totally comfortable with me being a little girl,” he tells the reporter. “And their children and their grandchildren are totally supportive.”
Wolscht used to be an eight-year-old girl, but later went even younger at the insistence of his adopted sibling. “A year ago I was eight and she was seven. And she said to me, ‘I want you to be the little sister, so I’ll be nine.’ I said, ‘Well, I don’t mind going to six.’ So I’ve been six ever since.”
Watch above, via The Daily Xtra.

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