
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

This Is the Email Mentioned During the Show

With the latest show being up on Youtube, I'm sure some of you wanted to read the entire email that I talked about and promised to post. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I received an email from someone (that I know) who responded to a facebook post by Father Michael Pfleger, the social activist Catholic priest in Chicago.  Pleger posted his concern about Donald Trump possibly bringing out the worse in Americans, and how scary he thought the was.  So here it is.

First, Father Pfleger's post:

The disgust with Politicians across this Country has allowed A Donald Trump to become a Leading candidate in the Republican party.... The real scary thing to me though, is How many Americans Believe in what he stands for!!!! While many laugh and enjoy his free style ranting....we should be frightened, because he is bringing out the very worse of American values and giving them a platform. Perhaps Mr. Trump is pulling back the covers on the Real America....and that my friends is the scariest thing of all.......

And now my friend's repsonse (she asked to remain anonymous...for a good reason too).

A Black Woman's Response To Michael Pfleger's Comments on Donald Trump

If Michael Pfleger finds Donald Trump "scary" and the people who support him "the scariest," I can only assume that he has been asleep for the past 45 years.

We've lived through "shoot to kill" Richard Daley Sr. and his effete son, the crown king of Chicago
political nepotism, Richard Daley Jr. We've watched a string of Illinois governors go to jail. The Irish
political mafia has finally bankrupted the city and the state with their more than half a century of thievery and their "sanctuary Chicago/Cook County" that has illegally directed citizen resources to illegals to such a degree that they have destabilized the black middle and working classes; also causing a 92% unemployment rate among black teens and black youth in their 20's, while illegals and their children are working..

We now have people in our schools teaching our children to put condoms on bananas, and are teaching kindergarteners to embrace homosexuality.

Then there was the sight at the last Democratic National Convention where 3 times the delegates booed and shouted down the resolution to keep the recognition of "God" in their political platform. The Speaker finally overrode the voice vote and included "God" against the will of the shouting delegates.

Democrats, with the help of their black political lapdogs, have maneuvered to place 80% of Planned
Parenthood Abortuaries in black communities across this nation, where collectively 1,300 black babies are torn out of their black mothers wombs each day, 6 days of each of the 52 weeks of the year. It has been estimated that 23 million black babies have been aborted since 1973 (which is really the planned demise of black political power in the US). And as the headlines indicated over the past few weeks, PP outlets are selling these black baby body parts at a premium on the tissue market.

Then there's the spectacle of Democrat white pro-abortion feminists chanting "...Hail Satan!" repeatedly in the rotunda of the Texas state house, in their efforts to keep abortion centers open, and to keep the baby body parts flowing. *

We've got Mexican drug cartel supported hispanic gangs running guns and drugs to black gangs in Chicago, who have painted a bloody, terrorizing trail of young black bodies across the city as seen in the daily headlines, with no foreseeable end to the rising body count, while the black voter rolls  continue to drop. Chicago black voter roles are down by 200,000 voters.

Pfleger labels Trump "scary" and calls Trump supporters "the scariest," while cajoling Black voters to continue to embrace the Godless Democrat Grim Reaper. Now that's really scary!

It's not that I necessarily agree with her every word, but I really appreciate her for checking
Father Pfleger for stoking fear, and also for pointing out what should be obvious contradictions.
How ironic, or some might say dishonest, but he's doing exactly what he accuses Trump of
doing--inciting fear! Shame on him, and kudos to my friend for a very appropriate response to
this man of the cloth.

* I removed the link to the video of the protesters because it was causing the html to distort the blog.  But it's easy enough to find on youtube.

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