Later, Mohamed went to his English class, taking his homemade clock with him. During class, the device beeped (presumably several times), reportedly annoying the teacher. After class he brought the clock up to her and she told him that it looks like a bomb. Disagreeing with her assessment of his handiwork, Mohamed responded, "It doesn't look like a bomb to me." The English teacher kept the clock. During his sixth period, Mohamed was pulled out of class by the principal. By the day's end, Mohamed would be interrogated by police, handcuffed, fingerprinted and expelled from school for three days. He was not charged with anything and the case is now closed.
But it hasn't been all bad news for Mohamed. Upon hearing the news, President Obama took to twitter to proclaim his support for the boy. While he didn't say 'If I had a son he'd look like Ahmed,' he did invite him to bring his clock to the White House. Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg invited him to the company's headquarters. NASA scientists and MIT reasearchers gave him t-shirts and offered tours. The hashtag #IStandWithAhmed has taken off like wildfire, with supporters, including several celebrities retweeting their support for the boy and many people accusing the school and the district of being racist. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is investigating the incident and believes that it would not have happened if his name weren't Ahmed Mohamed. And a lawyer with the Constitutional Center for Muslims in American, representing the family, insists the boy should be celebrated.
As far as I'm concerned, the device looks like a bomb. The school's response was appropriate and the police responded exactly as they should have. What I find most disturbing about this entire situation is that so many people are acting as if the idea that a Muslim teen might want to carry out an act of terroism is utterly ridiculous, especially in light of the numerous reports, including a warning from the FBI that ISIS and other terrorists organizations are specifically targeting American teens for radicalization. In just one year, several teens, sympathetic to ISIS have been arrested for attempting to carry out acts of terrorism that could have resulted in the deaths of many thousands had not their efforts been thwarted. And remember, it was only four months ago when two homegrown terrrorists, both ISIS supporters, attempted to kill as many people as they could at a controversial art contest in...TEXAS!
Yes, by all accounts, Ahmed Mohamed is an ordinary American kid, who happens to love science and building electronic devices. But this is so much bigger than the young Mr. Mohamed. The reaction by the president and those who are vilifying the school, are setting a dangerous precedent. As Americans facing the clear and present danger of terrorism, we've been asked for years to be more vigilant in observing our surroundings. We've been told that if we see something, say something...even if it turns out to be nothing. By attacking the school for doing what they were supposed to do, we run the risk of not only cowering those who may perceive a threat from reporting it, but this kind of knee-jerk reaction also sends a signal to those who want to harm Americans--that the nation has become so politically correct, that if you're a Muslim, no one will feel comfortable reporting your suspicious activity.
Right on the money as usual Deborah! I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was done intentionally, to make people think twice about reporting Muslims with suspicious objects in the future. After all, who wants to be subjected to the hateful comments being directed at the school and the teacher now?
ReplyDeleteIt's clearly pushback by those who resent the minimal steps that have been taken to enhance American security. Hopefully the survival instinct will trump the fear of public humiliation.
ReplyDeleteYes let's hope so. Also, someone who claims to be an engineer is now saying that he didn't even build the clock. They said he took an already made clock apart, and put it back together in a case that he bought. And that's getting him invitations from MIT and Harvard. Oh boy.
That might be the case. However, his friends have said that he's made devices for them such as bluetooth speakers, and his cousin, who is on a robotics team with him said that Ahmed was always making cool stuff. However, the point remains, the public-at-large must continue to report suspicious activity regardless if the subject is a Muslim, Arab or whomever, despite the misguided criticism that will certainly come.