As a follower of Jesus, I believe there is only one truth, which comes from God, and can only be found in His word. I already know that by saying this, lots of people will immediately be offended. But don't be. There's nothing to be offended by. The evidence proves that any "truth" other than God's is deceptive and leads to confusion and ultimately destruction.
Those of us that know the truth, but choose to ignore it just to get alone or avoid criticism, we are really adding to the confusion because we know better. However, for those that don't, I imagine it must be very challenging trying to figure out what's right and wanting to do what's right, but having an innate sense that says what's being presented as truth just doesn't seem right. Still, many will continue to reject the truth, God's truth, preferring instead to follow any path that offers a semblance of the truth. Although these paths may appear to be easier, more accepting and quite frankly better, they're what's leading to the confusion, despair and society's unraveling.
Here are a few examples of the paths to "acceptable truth."
relativism - truth, morality, knowledge, even facts existing in relationship to culture, society, even historical context. The truth is always changing, it's never absolute.
subjectivism - what we think is the only unquestionable fact. Knowledge is merely subjective so there is no external or objective truth. In other words, you have your truth and I have my truth.
existentialism - your experience creates your truth, or the truth is what you make it.
rationalism - truth is merely logic or syllogistic. The "truth" is derived from hypotheses and "logical" deductions (which of course is not the truth at all, but only theory passing as truth).
pantheism - everything composes an all-encompassing, immanent god, In other words, we're all little gods, so no truth is greater than the other.
pragmatism - truth is that which works best, whatever is most practical.
Can you see how deceptively appealing these paths or philosophies are? They inform us that basically everything is right, no matter how harmful, immoral or ridiculous. They tell us if we don't want to do it or believe it or support it, then don't, but that doesn't mean it's wrong. Is there any wonder why so many people are confused about almost everything, unable to say what's right or wrong?
But God, who is Truth, knows what's best for mankind. After all, He created us, so it stands to reason that He knows what's best for us. If you doubt that this is true, it doesn't matter, He still wants what's best for you because He loves you. That's why He's given us something to point us in the right direction. It's our conscience, that innate sense I mentioned earlier. In times like this, you can't afford to ignore it. But if you want more than a sense of right and wrong in these times of blurred values, if you want peace in the midst of all the madness, you can actually have a personal relationship with God, and it begins the moment you accept of His son Jesus as your savior.
Romans 1:25
ReplyDeleteThey exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
HoosierMama, you are on point, as the Word is the truth.